Disgusted • Irritated  

 Disgusted • Irritated  

 Disgusted • Irritated  

Stacks Image 25687

• The elements incorporated in the work of art evoke a feeling of repulsion

Works of art meant to evoke a response of disgust/irritation might depict characters subjected to revolting conditions, characters who are behaving abhorrently, or scenes that are filled with awful, noxious things. Beyond representation, art elements such as odd distortion of forms, sickly colors, or nightmarish surrealism might contribute to the feeling of disgust.

An artist might choose to express disgust/irritation in a piece due to his or her own emotional state, or the artist might choose to evoke this tone as a reflection of the character(s) or scene being portrayed. A disgusted/irritated tone might also be adopted to suit a piece that will be shown in a setting that demands something foul.

Featured: The Garden of Earthly Delights: Hell by Hieronymus Bosch

 Disgusted • Irritated  

 Disgusted • Irritated  

 Disgusted • Irritated