Erratic Marks  

 Erratic Marks  

 Erratic Marks  

Stacks Image 25427

• Mark making done with strokes that abruptly change direction, criss-cross, and/or overlap with little sense of order

Mark making done with strokes that abruptly change direction, criss-cross, and/or overlap with little sense of order

Erratic strokes/marks that go in all directions without any pattern can be used to add chaotic texture. The changes in directions can be sharply angular or more curved. Erratic strokes/marks can also be dashes of various length that go in random directions.

Since erratic strokes/marks are not limited to any pattern or order, the energy embodied in each mark can be a clear expression of the emotions of the artist or can be used by the artist to indicate the emotional state of a character being depicted. This lack of order can also create a frenetic feeling in the piece.

Featured: Brownian Motion by C.A. Morris

 Erratic Marks  

 Erratic Marks  

 Erratic Marks